About us

theimsmedia web logo "The Intellectual and Motivational Services website logo has three alphabets and a beautiful head color. In it, the I alphabet is given the shape of a candle, the purpose of which is light, that is, to spread knowledge. Using color is to spread research and fact-based knowledge through this website. This scholarly work is also a charity and charity.

With knowledge and wisdom

Educate through Media

“Our mission vision is to educate through media in modern scientific, artistic and revolutionary world”  (The IMS)

The IMS2020media services have focused their aims and objectives on these purposes 

Aims & Objectives:

  1. What are the advantages of social media in Education?
  2. What is the best way to use social media for Educational Activities?
  3.  Ways to Use Social Media for Education
  4.  How does a social medium affect Education negatively?
  5.  Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites for Students.
  6.  What does specification mean?
  7.  The Importance of Media Education.
  8.  Importance of Mass Media in Education. 

Given these objectives, we have examined it academically rationally, and scientifically authentically so that viewers can discover more about their intellectual abilities.

Your feedback/suggestions are essential for us and the development of our quality service, so please fill out the Contact Form and connect with us.

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